Is this disrespectful?

A new guy down at work usually goes by his middle name because he says he doesn't like his first name. Every other co-worker calls him by his middle name, but I do not. I always address him by his first name. He has never expressed a problem with this to me, but is it still disrespectful of me?


  • Absolutely. The man has a right to use whatever name he is comfortable with. Who are you to challenge this right? You have purposely attempted to irritate this man by being continually disrespectful of him since day one. Stop now and apologize for your poor behavior.

  • It's not really being disrespectful, but the gentleman might not respect you for doing what he asked. He might think you do it just to make fun of him or that you're trying to intimidate him. It could be considered rude but not necessarily disrespectful. I think it's polite just to call him by his preferred name. There could be some resentment to his proper name.

  • well, i don't think it is disrespectful, but you could come across like an insensitive jerk in this situation,as all other co workers did the right thing by calling his middle name.

  • If he did indeed say that he doesn't like to be called by his first name, you should respect that. It makes it seem as if you are deliberately using his first name to tick him off or even to bully the new guy.

  • since he has said something to you, then you should do what he wishes to call him by his middle name like everyone else does

  • It's not disrespectful but it is totally pointless.

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