Do you think Obama is a weak President?
Anyone who goes to a foreign country and talks about the United States like we are the source of most of the problems in the world is an embarrassment to America. Granted, our country has problems, but you don't go to the neighbors house and talk about the family business. Obama made America look weak and he had no right to go oversees and act like he was the president speaking about foreign policy. He said in fact, "In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common. In America, there are voices that deride and deny the importance of Europe's role in our security and our future." First of all, when did the United States become accountable to other countries for what we do in regards to our national security. We ought to try and keep good relations with foreign countries, but only to the degree that suits us. That is what national sovereignty is. We protect our country first. Really, we don't need Europe. By making us sound dependent on Europe and wrong in the way we have acted towards their socialist lunacy, Obama embarassed our country and made the US seem weak.Only way to improve USA relations is to stop aggressive acts against Sovereign Countries for no other purpose than to Rob and Plunder their Assets that may work?
Obama is just a lapdog for the elite bankers & other ruling globalist criminal scum, just like Bush jnr, Bush snr & Clinton.
i think he is an illegal president,
this fiasco with a fraudulent birth certificate only proves there is a cover up of something. did you hear what Esquire magazine did JeromeCorsi' book? his book has enough research to prove Obama is a fake fraud.
Obama is the proverbial "domestic enemy" the fathers of the country warned us about, he is in bed with the banking oligarch who have no intention of saving the american way of life.
THEN AGAIN, americans are not living the constitutional life, it seems most people are criminals and dont care about living in righteousness.
consider this!
the reason WHY you think he might be a weak president is because he is either a pure puppet of foreign economic powers. or he is being blackmailed. Hillary wouldnt be any better , neither would Gingrich and most of the others.
best thing to do is have a civll war, again, and get rid of the entire federal government and give the military to an independant commander and chief.
"we don't need Europe" look my friend if Greece goes bust the other countries in Europe bail them out. If the USA defaults on its loans it will need all the friends it can get, so don't go around saying you do not need Europe, that is bull. Remember most of the World would love to see NY and DC burned to the ground and many time Europe has helped the USA out. Imagine if Europe, China and Russia were working against the USA. Remember the cold war? Russia was in South America well today China is in Brazil and is spreading.
The Dow is up over 50% (after losing 23.7% under our last "conservative" President), and Osama bin Laden has stopped breathing...adjusted for a slight decline in the dollar, that means you SHOULD be about 40% wealthier...the only way NOT to be is to have lacked the money or the patriotism to buy American stocks....if you were "too poor" to participate when Obama came into office, that's not Obama's fault, it's either Bush's or YOURS....
To think Obama is a "weak President" takes an enormous amount of self-delusion & willfully ignoring the facts, whatever you think of the man!
Silly goose!
Obama is an embarrassment to the United States.He is an apologist and seems to be resentful of Americas success. Its a shame that Americas first black President had to be so incompetent and ignorant.He had made it hard for another black to ever be elected President. While part of America is being torn apart by tornados Obama is making a fool of himself by screwing up his toast to the Queen if England and signing a guest book with the wrong date(2008 instead of 2011). He should have been visiting the tornado torn states to give them moral support and assurances that the government will step in to help these poor people instead of partying and campaigning across Europe with Michelle. When criticism of Obama is called racist it only helps to weaken his image. He is definitely not a strong President.
I can't think of any area he is good at.
As liberal he did health care passed, but it was done so sloppily it will probably get repealed.
Besides that he failed on every promise he made.
He didn't close Gitmo
We still do enhanced interrogations
He didn't get his immigration reform passed
His budget was voted on 0 to 97
He extended Bush tax cuts
He prooved spending a 1 trillion dollars is not the way to grow a government.
As conservative You have to hate all of his ideas in the first place, so glad he failed at all of the above.
But there was a few things I could have respcted as conservative if he stuck to them.
Transparency, lowering abortion rates, cutting the debt in half by his first term,
unemployment would not go over 8% He failed in the oil disaster. His phony permission to allow drilling.
His foreign policy leadership,,,,You already said it. Kisses our enemies, belittles out allies, and apologizes more to foreign countries than he does to his own country for being total failure.
I have to quit, to early to be this angry..
no longer basically physicall, additionally mentally and spiritually. we don't additionally recognize what his non secular ideals are. he's conceited at being counseled via Mr. Farrakhan and he says he needs to unite us. Unite us with WHAT??? We had a great u . s . earlier you confirmed up and we would pick to make it extra desirable no longer WORSE. optimistically it won't come to that yet I agree Senator Clinton could supply hima stable beating
i think of she didintellectually final evening throughout the time of thedebate although! President Hillary Clinton A trueAMERICAN Hero
The age old art of Diplomacy...he was obviously referring to NATO which counts a lot of European countries as members. What you refer to as " national security " should be confined to our borders and our borders alone. Of course we don't need Europe meddling into our internal affairs, they have enough problems of their own. Half of Europe will be bankrupt in five years and we won't be too far behind them. We really need to concentrate on not becoming a third world country in the near future.
We may be socialist but we're richer than you, we work fewer hours and have longer holidays.
You might try a little socialism yourself you brainwashed nincompoop.
China is communist and they own most of your foreign debt. Your debt is three times your GDP, that's like making $30,000 per year but owing $90,000. At that rate your grand children will still be paying off your debts. Debts run up by Republican (uber capitalist) Governments.
The only negative things ive ever heard are as follows,
He is black..(Not negative IMO, but theirs)
And then they ramble on some crap that he has little to no power over such as,
Gas is too high ( It is a diminishing resource and demand continues to rise)
Corn is too high ( Ethanol is needed to help with the oil crisis)
If you want more information on the criticism of Obama, just watch this.