Please tell me if this is bad. My mom and dad wants A's, but I didn't succeed in one subject.

ELA: 98%

Math: 98%

Science: 95%

Foreign Language (Italian): 100%

Social Studies:89%

I love S.S. a lot, but I stink at tests. A lot of people in my class did better than me.

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  • those are really great grades your parents are what you call over achievers they are never happy unless you have perfect grades which is not a good thing for anyone when growing up you get the grades you can get and makes you happy dont always try to please your parents by getting perfect grades it causes alot of issues in the future (I have alot of friends in this situation i have known for years) and they each have parent issues so just do what you can don't over stress yourself those grades will get you passed through your class with flying colours and in good colleges thats whats important but also try talking to your parents about it i don't like that my friends don't have much of a family because they expected too much from them and put way too much stress on them parents need to be supportive

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