Please help!! Serious problem!!?

I'm in my period, but it occurred only 1 day and suddenly stop. Then I do exercises normal again and 3 days later, my belly is becoming bigger and bigger. I gain 6 pounds right after that.. I'm really scare and don't know what to do. My face starts to have a lot of acnes, which is impossible because i always eat vegetable.. healthy food. What's wrong with me? Please help! I need to get my body back!!! Oh, I'm 5'7 and 117 ibs, but it 123 ibs now..


NOOOO!!!! I'm not pregnant!!!! ok I'm only 17!!!!


  • Your period can just stop suddenly if you are young. Also, stress or extreme exertion will do that too. The same goes for the acne. Eating a lot of veggies does not keep acne from occurring.

    Have you changed your eating habits? 6 pounds in weight gain may seem a lot to you, especially since you are very slender, but it is still within a normal range of weight fluctuations.

    I would suggest you stick to your exercise routine for now and just keep an eye on things. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and drink lots of water. If you still keep gaining weight then you should make a doctors' appointment. Good luck.

  • you sound like a beautiful young lady but you might be getting the acne from stress in your life

    has any thing changed in your life or diet in the last month are you late for your period

    gaining the weight could be almost anything it is probably is because your body is changing and your developing into a women which is good but I understand you don't like the acne

  • Don't worry the swelling is just bloating due to your period, and the acne is all down to your period too. Although you had a period for one day, that could have been pre-menstrual spotting, some women spot a few days before their period is due, and this may be happening to you. I'm sure your period wil arrive properly in a few days.

    Hope this helps :-)

  • Yea You Must Be Pregnant Did You Do a Pregnancy Test??

  • You could be pregnant. Are your boobs getting sore?

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