Is President Obama a good diplomat?

How does he stack up against other Presidents?


  • He is a spectacular Diplomat. now I am no liberal-in the contemporary sense- but he's a hell of a lot more intelligent than McCain would have ever been.

    Goodluck: Obama is not practicing Appeasement. I would say he is far from it-a warmonger. He has changed nothing in Iraq but raise the budget there, and has exponentially raised the troop level in Afghanistan. But when it comes to respecting others' sovereignty and cultures he is the best so far.

    I saw him praising the Middle East for their advancements and science and medicine in the 1100's and 1200's. People criticized them for this. They said he was a lying Muslim. HELLO PEOPLE. What he said is true. Those advancements occurred. While Europe was in the dark ages the Middle East had developed free market capitalism and was experiencing a renaissance. After the Crusades their culture inspired our renaissance. Most Middle Easterners hate radical fundamentalists. Those fundamentalists are that way,however, because we have had ignorant people-not unlike many of you- in our government disrespecting them for years.

  • Well, The Lebanon elections shifted our way after Obama's Cairo speech, and Germany just sent more troops to Afghanistan, so...

  • No, not in the least. Appeasement isn't diplomacy. It's giving up and backing down.

  • No, he is a follower of Carl Marks and Rule for Radicals. He is Comunistic.

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