How do I look punk with a dress code?

The dress code is no fauxhawk (which is my hair style), no heavy makeup, no unnatural hair colors, a white button up shirt, and only tan pants. I need a few new hair styles, a lot of tips on how to modify my uniform, and make up tips too.


  • Mess up your hair and give it a "punk look". I'd use some hair wax or non-heavy gel. The gel would look better. Keep your hair a dark black. I suggest having your hair semi-long and messy. Keep the button up shirt not tucked in with a black tanktop under it and your pants held up with a punk belt. Maybe cut the knees of your pants if that's allowed, if anyone asks, say you fell or something, they can't get on your case for doing that. For the makeup, keep the eyeliner thin and smudge it a little bit.

  • try pins and badges, chains, sideswept/straightened fringe

  • go naked that def punk

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