Eye contact problem... (just recently)?


I've just recently been having this problem. you see when I'm around girls who wear shirts that expose some cleavage my mind wants me to look there. but I don't want to. i think one of my friends noticed it one day (but I tried my best not to look there) and she just seems uncomfortable around me. and I hate myself for it.

I was just wondering is there anyway to stop this? cause I really hate looking there.


thats the thing I want to look her in the eyes. i'm not some kind of freaking pervert. and just a thought could it be caused by a side effect on a medicine I'm taking by chance?


  • You're the one in control of your thoughts. Think about something else like her eyes. Some people have really pretty eyes, just look directly into them and at the colour and everything.

  • dude cmon. have some self control, will yuh? i mean youre making girls feel uncomfortable, and i doubt theyre gonna wanna be around you if you keep looking there. i know youre a dude, but control yourself. you have a mind.

  • look her in the eyeeeees, nowhere else, and maybe if yall are close enough you can just ask her to pull up her shirt cause its hard for you,

  • well go to a counsellor or something and and look straight in the eye dont move your head when talking

  • Your still learning. You look in there eyes when they are looking at you and you glance at there chest when they arent looking.

  • i suggest you try and concentrate on their face... im always noticing how strange people's ears are

  • stop hanging around with sluts.

  • he he i see you followed my advice ;)?

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