i forgot how to convert DMS to just degrees please help?

how do you convert 21 degrees 40' 20" to just degrees (with a fraction etc.) ??

i know how to do say 21 2/3 degrees to DMS but not the other way around. show your steps! thanks!


  • A minute has 60 seconds.

    A degree has 60 minutes, or 3600 seconds

    So, convert the minutes to seconds = 2400

    add on the seconds = 2420

    and divide by 3600 = 2420/3600 = 242/360 (which is very close to 2/3 or 0.67 degrees.

  • There are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minute.

    That means there are (60 x 60 =)3600 seconds in a degree.

    21 + 40/60 + 20 / 3600


    = 21 + 2/3 + 1 / 180

    Convert both 2/3 as fractions with 180 as the denominator

    = 21 + 120/180 + 1/180

    = 21 and 121/180

    It would be exactly 21 and 121/180 ° or approx 21.6722222...°

  • 21 + 40/60 + 20/60^2 = 21.6722222 degrees

  • DMS to DD:

    21 + 40/60 + 20/3600 = 21.67222222

  • Easiest way is to use your calculator. They almost all have a button which converts decimal to hexadecimal (deg/min/sec or DMS) representation.

    The button is usually marked ( ° ' " ): it toggles the number in the display answer register from decimal to hexadecimal and back. To enter a number in hexadecimal, enter the number of degrees, minutes and seconds separately, pressing the hexadecimal button after each. If any of those values is zero, you must include a zero, or you'll get an error.

    And you can do normal calculations on values in DMS in the working register

    eg 32° 25' 51" x 3.15 = 102° 9' 25.65"


  • 21 degrees 40' 20"

    20" = (20/60)' = 0.333'

    40.333' = 40.333/60 degrees = 0.67 degrees

    Answer 21.67 degrees

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