Depo Provera Effectiveness?

I have endometriosis and they told me the best thing to do was to be put on the depo provera shot every 3 months. They really didn't explain much about it and it's been two weeks since I got the first shot and I had some questions. I read up about it and they usually give first shot when on a period or something like that. Well I wasn't and they didn't want to waste any time. All they said is I'd have spotting for a few months but weren't specific as to when and/or how much. I should have started my period (or spotting) around this week but nothings happened. Since they didn't tell me much I don't expect it to be so effective so fast. I'm hoping it wasn't too early and I'm pregnant while on this shot. So I guess what I'm really asking is how fast does this shot start to work to prevent the pregnancy? Also two weeks before I had the shot I had surgery for my endo and they burned of what they found, so I'm not sure if that would effect my cycle as well. I really just want some advice from someone who takes the shot. Not a website.

Thanks so much.


  • It is common for you to not get your period on schedule after first starting any type of birth control. The shot is 99.7% effective. If you received your first dose during one of the first five days of your period, then Depo Provera will begin to work immediately if not you should use some other type of protection for a month after starting the shot. You could try calling your local family planning or even a pharmacy and they will be able to tell you more about it. One other thing is that your periods will most likely be irregular for about three months, its normal. Good Luck!

  • I just got my first depo shot march 11, 2011, the day I started my cycle for the month because that's when they wanted me to start the shots. My period initially stopped for a few days and then I started light red spotting then progressed to darker red running. Now I am full on heavy cycle flow with clots. (I don't exactly know what they call that part). I cramp like a herd of buffalo is running round in my guts. Its now April 3, 2011 and I am still going strong. I'm starting to get raw in places and pads are getting expensive. Now I am afraid to get the next shot and also afraid not to get it. I took the chance with the shot because I have always had a 7-8 day a month heavy miserable cycle and I was sick of it and now I am even sicker of it already. I would say proceed with caution but everyone is different. I have read horror story after horror story and few success stories in the mix. My friend up the street took it and said it worked for her years ago and her daughter took it in the past couple of years and said it also worked for her. I'm gonna go for the second shot most likely and if nothing improves I will not be getting a 3rd. Good luck to you...

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