What do shih tzu puppies eat?

Im getting my 1st puppy this weekend and its a shih tzu!! I cant wait , but I would really like to know what do they eat? i have heard so much like feed them only dog food, or human food is better and some say give him milk some say dont give him milk.. please help me!!! thank u


  • puppy chow

  • You don't want a dog to eat any chocolate, but dark chocolate is the worst. It sounds as though he didn't get much, just a lick or two. If it was less than 4/10 of an ounce, he should be okay, but keep in mind that a standard paper clip weighs one ounce. So, if he had less than 4/10 of the weight of a paper clip, he would likely be okay. Since it is hard to tell how much he ingested, I would call a veterinarian's emergency number in your area. Most of the time when you call an emergency vet number an answering service will take your message (tell them what you told us here) and page the vet. When the vet calls you back, he'll tell you what to watch for, and what to do in certain situations.

  • ONLY GIVE THEM DOG FOOD. They are smart little buggers, and once you start giving them people food, they will hold out for something better every time you try to feed them and drive you nuts! Most cats and dogs are lactose intolerant to some degree, expect stinky gas and maybe diarrhea if you give milk. Also remember a tiny dog eats tiny meals, a meal may be twelve small pieces of dog food. Often small breeds get into trouble with bad eating behaviors and getting really fat because their owners don't think they're eating enough.

    Put the BARF ******** to bed...it is NOT a good diet.

  • Your breeder should be able to tell you what the puppy has been eating and what you should continue to feed the puppy. Once a dog has been weaned from it's mother, it no longer needs or can properly digest milk. No human food, a good quality dog kibble is best.

  • My suggestion is that you follow the BARF diet. This is the bones and raw foods diet. Commercial dog food, the kibble style, is cooked and contains many things that really aren't healthy for your dog at all. If you do choose a commercially manufactured dog food, choose one that contains all natural ingredients.

    The BARF diet is the only one that comes closest to what a dog in the wild would eat. It's the diet that the dogs digestive system is set up for from teeth all the way through rapid digestion in the stomach and short intestinal tract. The BARF diet can help your dog live longer and will actually give it a beautiful teeth and coat.

    You can find books on the BARF diet available on www.amazon.com

  • I would suggest no table food. See what kind of food the puppy has been eating sometimes changing their food doesn't go over very well. You can also check with the vet to see what they recommend as far as the brand or formula.

  • I think it depends what he's been eating. I was told that you can't just switch his food suddenly. My puppy is eating the doggy food that he's been eating before he came to me. The brand is eagle pack...it's for small dogs.

    I heard human food give them worms.

  • find out what he has been eating and give him that. sudden food changes can cause diarrhea etc.

    then slowly introduce him to whatever food you want to feed him. i give mine a mixture of dry food, canned food, mince (the human NOT the pet kind), cooked pasta, and leftover veges.

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