Do you turn yourself in a mental hospital?

I am vey depressed and I have been cutting for a long time and have suicidal thoughts. I even tried to commit suicide once. Only my two really close friends know that I cut. Should I tell my parents so I can get help?


  • It's great that you are reaching out for help! We are so sorry to hear that you have been feeling so much emotional pain that you have been cutting and contemplating suicide. Know that hurting yourself is never the answer, no matter what problems you are struggling with. Never give up on yourself; your life has great value.

    Talking to your parents is an excellent plan so you get the support that you deserve. If you need additional support, reach out to an aunt, uncle, school counselor, teacher, coach, or minister. We would suggest that you get evaluated by a medical doctor or mental health professional, and get involved in counseling. Please contact 911 if you need immediate assistance. It may help you to talk to a counselor at a hotline. Know that there is help out there for you and you are not alone.

    Counselor, MT

  • You can but that doesn't mean they will let you in. Typically you go to the emergency room of your local hospital and they have a psychiatrist come talk to you. Based on what little you say.... they will tell you to go see a therapist and send you home. They don't admit you to a psych ward unless your life is in immediate danger and depressed, cutting, suicidal ideation.... won't do it. Have you seen a doctor? Therapist? Psychiatrist? Tried medication? Therapy? No? Didn't think so..... for some reason you guys always think the psych ward is like the holy grail of mental health treatment and it just isn't.... Even someone who attempts suicide only stays 3 days.... talk to your parents and make an appointment with your doctor for a physical. He can refer you to a therapist.

  • Yes.

    If you want help, you have the right to receive help.

    Today I am 300 days clean from self harm - it somewhat gets easier.

    Enduring is difficult.

  • Yes absolutely bro

  • Tell your parent. I did. And now I haven't cut for almost a year! :)

  • Yes, tell your parents right away.

  • Yes, tell them as soon as possible

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