made a fake pro and wrote my boyfriend>?

okay i made a fake profile on facebook and wrote my boyfriend..told him i was new to the area and was trying to meet new people. i asked if he had a girlfriend and he replied 'no ive been single for a year now ;'''-( ' he just keeps writing back saying beautiful the girl is and offering to take her out on dates.. i am soooo hurt and want 2 confront him but i dont know how to go about doing it ps( me and him have never had problems before he just seemed tooo good to be true and obviously he was :()


  • Simply confront him, tell him the chick he's been talking to is you, and he's now a single guy and free to find someone else to lie about his relationship status with...

    Why would you stay with him if he's going to do that??? I don't condone your behavior, but since you did it and he lied about being in a relationship (unless he knows it's you and is jerking your chain) then move on...

    You're right...if something seems too good to be true, it probably is...

  • What you did was not cool, but apparently you had a reason to suspect he was the cheating type or you wouldn't have done it. Now that you know what type of guy he is, you need to confront him about it honestly. If he doesn't fess up and come clean then you need to let him go and move on. It's been my experience that cheating is a chronic issue and rarely goes away unless a person actively works at getting help for it. My advice is to dump the chump. Stay safe and handle this situation with maturity. Best of luck with your situation.

  • of course if he does this, he would not care approximately you in any respect. basically break up with him. i be attentive to this is going to likely be no longer uncomplicated, although this is for the suitable if this is how he's going to handle you. And if he asks you why your'e breaking apart with him (which he maximum probable will), tell him to ask ____insert fictitious females call here____. Then he will could face what he's achieved like a guy and beg at your feet and counting on how stable of a guy or woman you're, you will have self belief him and take him back... Or pass away him lost and scrambling interior the airborne dirt and dirt without you OR ___insert fictitious females call here___.

  • Well, I guess your reward for being deceptive is to learn that he is deceptive too. I guess you suspected something.

    Just tell him that you are surprised to learn he's been single for a year, when he's only been single for thirty seconds - but to have a nice life.

  • He sounds like an absolute loser.

    Confront him about it, and try and talk it out.

    If he denies it, then give him the boot.

    You don't know how many girls he is doing this too behind your back, and you don't deserve that.

  • what an absaloute cock is all i can say... he clearly thinks he is too good for you, confront him about it and knock his confidence dowwn a peg or two

  • ok first you're kinda freaky. who does this sort of thing. entrapment much? and second, despite your freakiness you should dump him because he's obviously a sleaze.

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