I have a serious problem.?

My fiance and I are spearated but in talks of getting back together. I just found out that he fathered another child with his kid's mother(I use that term loosely). I still love him very much but I don't know how to deal with it. We have had so many problems with her creating problems in our relationship that it's not funny. What should I do? Should I try to still work it out with him or just leave him for good. Remember, We have a history of a total of 8 yrs. under our belt. Help please.


  • Try and make it work. I mean 8 year's is a very long time. But just don't keep hurting yourself. Just give it sometime right now. See how it is going to go. If it get's worse than leave him. Good luck hun.

  • 8 yrs. means nothing. Try 20 more years of him not being honest, and the both of you sharing a relationship based on illusions of happiness, dishonesty/lies.

    Stay with someone who will be honest with you about everything (including questions like, "Honey, whattaya think of my new do'). You want to keep your bestfriend, not enemy. Someone who's your bestfriend treats you like blood. They don't keep anything away from you. They respect you enough to be open/honest, period. No exceptions (unless it's a surprise, meant to be something special, i.e. b-day surprise).

    If he as the NERVE to lie to you about his child, he's scum of the earth. ANY man who loves his child will never lie about them. If the child meant that much to him, he would GLADLY want you to meet him/her. If both of you had a child, would he be man enough to take care of it? Or would be a little boy and he run away to another woman, because he can't handle what it takes to be a Real Man?

    Btw- the only person he loves is himself. Let's not try and make his ex look so bad. He was part of the problem.

  • talk to him and give him a chance. He probably made a mistake having a child with that woman, but everyone makes mistakes and you can't blame him forever. You have been together for so long that I think if you love each other you can work a way out!

  • She did not "create" his baby without him. (Like she is creating ALL the problems.) So you can blame it all on her all the live long day - fact is she didn't get his baby from a sperm bank. If it was without your knowledge - he cheated on you. No reason to get back with that guy. Please learn from other people's mistakes and cut all ties.

    Unless you feel like you are worth nothing and deserve this guy and want to waste years of your life - in that case - more power to ya.

  • Yes this is A problem! move on-dont waist another 8 years

  • if your fiance really loved you, he would not have fathered another child. have you thought about this?

    but if he is not interested in the other woman and wants to be with you, you both should try talking to her about leaving you both alone. try to come to a compromise with her. but first make sure your guy really wants to be with you.

    else leave him.

  • Girl he is a HUGE loser...He leaves you then makes a baby with his ex...COME ON ..wake up and smell the coffee sister..why would you want trash like that

  • Move on or stay and suffer

    grow a brain and move out

  • Just dump the loser. No use throwing the rest of your life away too.

  • its beter to just walk away from him cause there will be bigger problems along the way so move on with life

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