....is this disrespectful behavior a deal breaker?

My boyfriend has asked about anal se* a few times and many times joking a serious . I've told him point blank that I am not interested. He is asked a few times and last night he started to slip it in and I told him not to. He said that I "know I want to" and insisted some more and I rejected it.

At this point he is unwilling to listen to my desires of something related to my body and I am starting to think this is a red flag. Opinions please..


  • Only "starting to"? Yes, this is a huge problem. Tell him that if you can't trust him to understand and respect that this is not something you want to do and take it off the table permanently, you're not comfortable having sex with him again, period. And if he still tries to insist, time to go.

  • and you still call him your man. This is over. Why does he want anal sex so badly that's usually something that two men do together; I'll say it's a red flag. You better get out while the gettin is good. I can't believe you just lay there while he tried to slip it in I would have pulled it or cut it off or something after making it very clear that this is not going to happen he should be prepared for whatever comes next after he tried it anyway that's like attempted rape. You're both a couple of sickos him for wanting and trying it so bad and you not putting your foot up his a@@ or his d#ck down his throat.

  • It's disrespectful, yes. If he tries to do it without your consent it starts to border on abuse. The "you know you want to" comment is what some rapists say to try to justify their behavior, so I'd consider it a red flag too.

  • No means no.

    Total deal breaker

  • Unacceptable and a huge red flag. Sounds like a p.o.s.

  • Yep. A big red flag. He does not respect your feelings.

  • Deal breaker for me. I wouldn't spend one more minute with him.

  • It would be a deal breaker for me.

  • deal breaker...

    that and it seems like you guys are actually "incompatible" sexually. He wants anal sex, you don't. He wants it bad. You don't.

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