Halo 3 team doubles partner?
ok im looking for someone i would like 25-32 skill range in doubles to play with me. There is some really odd problem with my account that i won like 20 games in a row and didn't go up one skill level. i just want some people to help me or just play.
Tell me you're sending me a friend request and i will give you my gamer tag or just accept the friend request. I will be on friday night ( September 6) saturday ( September 7) and sunday (september 8)
it would also help if you had a mic
look at my bungie.net service record GT:iRevo
that is my good account that is not glitched
much appriciated
your account isn't glitched, you just got too many matchmade games on it. i'd be willing to help you, i've gotten a LOT of accounts to 50, but i sold my last one since i'm not going to be on halo much anymore. i can help you out if you play on wed-fri 3-4pm pacific time, but otherwise i can only get on sometimes on saturdays. i'm on a family account, so the record SUCKS, and ASK FOR SUNNY. IF IT IS A LITTLE KID, IT IS NOT ME. GT=Wasted_djsunny
i think i'm in the 40s for doubles, i don't know because i havent gotten on my family account in a LONG TIME.