math problem!!??

okay so lets say i wanted to buy a shirt for $30.00 and the price was 15% off.what would the final price be, and how would you figure it out?????


  • 30 * .85 = $25.50

  • 30.00 / 100 (to get a Percent) = 0.30

    times 85 (because 100% = 30$ , so 100 -15=85) = 25.50



    30.00 / 100 =0.3 x 85 = 25.50 <- price after discount

  • take 10% off and then half that amount to get 15% and then take that total amount off the $30.(10% is the figure divided by 10 so thats $3 plus half of that is $1.50 so the total off is $4.50 os the final price is 30-4.50= $25.50

  • 15% off means that the sale price is 85% of the original price.

    ($30)*(0.85) = $25.50

    0.85 is 85% as a decimal

    $25.50 is the sale price.

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