Do you agree Saudi Arabia contradicts Islam?

Saudi Arabia is ruled by Monarchy.

Monarchy in Islam = Forbidden

Saudi Arabia oppress their women, do not allow them to be educated to a certain degree. Force them to wear the nicab.

Oppression and bad treatment of women, not allowing education, owning land, working, or divorce = Forbidden

Saudi Arabia allow the keeping of unpaid slaves.

Slavery= Forbidden

Saudi Arabia allow fathers to marry off their daughters without their consent or permission.

Arranged marriage = Forbidden

Saudi Arabia do not like non-Muslim tourists.

Bad hospitality = Extremely disliked

There is much more

Saudi Arabia is not a good role model.

It contradicts Islam A LOT.



I am not generalising.

Good for you, you live in a well off community.

And the rest of Saudi Arabia?

It is VERY contradictory.

Alhamdulillah, you may have a good famiy, but they have manioulated the Quran to make their oppressive laws.

Why should I be embarrased. It is the truth and many Islamic scholars, clerks and sheiks will agree with me.

Update 3:

I don't live there, weirdo.

And so what if they were 'inherited' slaves?


Update 5:

You just answered yourself.


Update 7:

I am not generalising.

And I'm not saying people themselves are not hospitable.

They're Arabs. In an Arab's blood it is automatic to treat your guests so well.

But Saudi Arabia detests tourists and only like them entering for business reasons.

Update 9:

Peace Missile:

But the alcohol and taboo things are not right though.

Both ends are at extremes.

Update 11:


Nicab is compulsary?

YOU read bukhari you uneducated idiot.

In ISLAM, yes, ISLAM, not some crazy cult you're following, a woman must cover every part of her body but may reveal her face and hands.

Nicab was only introduced to women during the times when there was war during the Prophet's days (SAW), it was for women to remain incognito and it WAS NOT COMPULSARY or part of Islam you.

Yep, women can be educated and have jobs but it extremely disliked.

Only 3% of Saudi women work.

The people there are fanatical.

And how about a monarchy? THAT is not accepted.

They manipulate the Quran to suit themslves.

They have police patrolling the entire place, so they can arrest women you show a finger.

I know PLENTY of people from there, they say it IS stuffed up and many sheiks and Islamic clerics have stated THAT IT IS A VERY CONTRADICTORY NATION.

When were women allowed to work? It was introduced a few years ago after much protesting and fighting.

This is not ISLAM.


  • salamun alaikum sis,

    As you can see from some of the answers above, your criticism of Saudi Arabia is unwelcome amongst some people who seem to defend the false monarchy and its unislamic ways for the simple reason that they are based on Holy land. Just because they claim to be the custodians of the haramain al shareefayn, it doesn't make them pure and right - rather it makes their misguided ways even more of a tragedy because their portrayal of Islam is outrageous. We must note here, that we are not talking about the Saudi people, rather we are talking about theose in power.

    All of the points you have made regarding this abuse of power, which is illegitimate in any case, are valid and those who deny it have no idea what they're on about. Monarchy and slavery in Islam? astaghfurullah! Additionally, Saudis are one of America's biggest allies and you are Palestinian so you know very well what the zionist America is responsible for in Palestine, Iraq and Lebanon. Also, those in power in Saudi Arabia are in fact DIRECTLY responsible for the deaths in some Muslim countries, Iraq in particular. Not only did they allow America to invade Iraq from the US bases in Saudi, but they have also been funding, producing and backing the terrorists who have entered Iraq and who have killed over a million people since 2003. Here, this is what i mean:

    obviously, Saudi hides all this with its so-called crack-down on terror but this is a thin veneer of lies which has been exposed in Iraq and soon inshallah the whole of the arab world will begin to realise what those in Power in Saudi are really doing.

    finally, back to the case domestically, i want to add to your point about the hospitality of the Saudi govt - (nb. the govt, not the people). You say they offer bad hospitality for non-Muslims, but in fact they don't even offer good hospitality to Muslims. Muslim Shia pilgrims who go to Hajj in Arabia are oppressed by the so-called custodians of the haramain. Most notabley, the Mecca massacre in 1987 killed at least 300 iranian pilgrims. And every year, shia pilgrims in particular are treated like animals, not given the freedom to worship Allah freely as they are beaten and arrested by the police around the kaba and the masjid al-nabawi. Common stories which we hear everywhere of returning pilgrims is that the police near the holy sites confiscate their Dua books because they are associated with the shia school of thought. Furthermore, last year, a group of pilgrims whom i personally know were arrested and beaten in cells neighbouring the masjid al-haram because they were reciting their duas out aloud and those duas were from shia books. there are many many more example of how Saudi Arabia is contradictory to Islam but people refuse to see these, so it's refreshing to see someone like you who has indeed opened their eyes.

    i note once again, that this is a criticism of those in power in Saudi Arabia, not the general population.

    take care sis...

  • Saudi Arabia is not perfect and I agree there are certain things in their society that need to be changed. However I would say the exact same thing about any other country in the Muslim world. There is no regime unfortunately in the Muslim world that is not corrupt to some degree. I know Saudi women who are Dr's and believe me they are not from the royal family or anything close to it. Ive been to Saudi Arabia (don't know if you have but I am guessing probably not) and I met a lot of Saudi women who were working in various fields. There may be degrees of what you stated, but its not as widespread as you may think. I came to Islam through a friendship with a Saudi woman and as a consequence I have met and developed friendships with many Saudi families. I would say overall they are very good people. There are a few bad apples of course, but that's the same in any country. The government may not be the ideal Islamic role model I agree, but it doesn't mean that the whole of Saudi Arabia is bad. Lastly, if you are looking for an Islamic ideal these days you will not find it anywhere because that is the current state of the Muslim ummah, sorry to say.

  • The origins of Islam are Mecca and Medina, both cities are located in Saudi Arabia. The Laws do not contradict the Koran, they follow it.Saudi Arabia is under Sharia, the governing laws of Islam (the form of government, not a religion). What you are calling a rape victim, under Sharia, is not. It is the responsibility for a woman to dress modestly as defined under Sharia, and in Saudi Arabia, women are required to cover themselves to an extreme level. If a man can tell her womanly shape, and he sexually attacks her, he could not help himself because he is a man, and so it is her fault for failing to dress modestly enough. Now, Sharia requires the use of at least one witness in order to be guilty. If there was anoter person or more that witnessed the attack, and they are muslim, and testify to that, then she was raped, and the attacker might get punished. Not tolerant of other religions as you put it is not exactly correct. It is the duty of every muslim to usher in the Dar-El-Salam, the Islamic House of Peace, which only happens when all the world is under Islamic rule or Sharia. In this case, all non-muslims must pay a jizya tax for being allowed to exist in the presence of islam. Churches may not be built, nor be repaired, and you may not spread any belief other than Islam. And so Islam is tolerant, except that by the numbers, all religions would die out because the way they are restricted.

  • If saudi does not observe hijab and niqab then who will?

    if monarchy was haram then Saudi Arabia would be the first to get rid of it so show us your proof that it is haram?

    Saudi women are well educated and their lives are way better than the western women who have to fetch for themselves and their families while serving and raising their children at the same time. Saudi women are treated like princesses and they do not complain. They are happy with their life style.

    I don't know about the unpaid slaves, but those who abuse their poor workers will answer to Allaah and they will pay a hell of a price in the hereafter.

    Fathers forcing their daughters to marriage is the same bu ll shyt that people accuse of all the muslims no matter what country or where you live. Its cultural and I'm sure some Saudi clans or tribes do that. Culture has nothing to do with islam.

    None muslims are not allowed in Makkah and Madina and Alhamdullillaah that is the way it should be!

    Arabs are known for their generosity towards their guests so this claim of yours has no bases.

    Saudia Arabia is where the heart is, they do great job protecting and taking care of the haramain, that land is blessed may Allaah protect KSA.

    loolz@Jesus Christ. Hey I never said anything about the rules of hijab/or allowing non muslims in the haramain. in fact I'm against that even the armies that dwell there that do not belong there would get their a ss es kicked if it was upto me.

    I'm taking over in defending the Haramain when you leave.

  • Sister i agree with you that Saudia Arabia is contradicting Islam but not in the way you explained.

    First of all, the regime of Saudia Arabia is not islamic at all. Actually in Islam , muslims have to remove this regime.

    This regime (The sick Royal family) committed "Fofr Al-Bawah" because they allowed for Riba, they fought against muslims like in Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria. They didnt care about palestinian Somalian and so and they Allowed to American to open bases to bobm Iraqand Afghanistan.

    This regime steal 90% of the oiland its spent on the cursed Royal family "Al Saud" "god curse them all.

    They minimize the role of the "Haramain", as you know any series speech in these places will affect muslims every where.

    - Saudia Arabia has one of the highest rate of drug addiction in the world.

    - 25% of the new generation have been either sexually abused or raped.

    - Homosexuality among guys and girls reached high level more than 60% of the new generation have committed such a thing

    - Corruption reached a limit as if they are living in a jungle.

    - Ulama Of Saudia Arabia committed 4 crmies 1- they betrayed the Ummah. 2- Give legality to this regime 3- Attacked any one says the truth about this regime and considered them as Kuffar and Kharijeen 4-...

    - the list wont finish

    These issues you are talking about is not the issue their.

    Sister, they have educated people who spent a lot on them selves and this not because of the regime, its because self effort.

  • I agree with your statments to a certain degree. I do know a family from SA and the women of the house is not allowed to drive or go out alone. She must do all her shopping when her husband is around only. They had a Indonesian slave working for them also. My family have also had a bad experience there to when visiting for Umrah, they got treated very differently because they were Pakistani. They do treat people according to where they are from.

    On the other hand, if you look outside of Mecca/Madina, more down south, its completely different all together, i know of a friend who tells me she wears what she likes, there is alcohol and many things which are kept tabo.

    * Yes you are right and i agree with you 100%

  • I'm sorry but you are an uneducated idiot. Saudi Arabia does not allow women to drive. This is true. Most of the Saudi women don't even want to drive. If you went to Saudi Arabia and saw how the men drive there you would realize this is a good thing that women can't drive.

    1)King Abdullah is doing a lot for his country. He is trying to improve safety conditions in Hajj so more people don't die while on Umrah or Hajj.

    2)Muslim women can get an education. My sister in law is a teacher though she doesn't have a job yet. There are only two women only colleges in the entire kingdom. The competition for getting into college is furious in Saudi Arabia. They only take a select number of new students a semester.

    3)Women can own property and can own a business. There is NOTHING in Saudi Arabia that prevents women from owning property or a business. I myself Insha ALLAH will own a mission in Saudi Arabia when my husband and I go home to his country.

    4)There is no slavery in Saudi Arabia. They outlawed slavery in 1962. There are Phillipine women, Malaysian women, and Indonesian women who come to Saudi Arabia to earn money. Slaves are not paid money. They are servants. They sign a contract with their employer for a few years and they get paid at the end of their contract. One of my brother in law's has a servant from Indoneisa. She'll be going home this year and will get all her money and her passport back. Saudis take the passport from the servants to prevent them from stealing something from their employer's home and running to their home country.

    5)Saudi Arabia does NOT force their daughters to get married against their will. They pick out spouses for their daughters and introduce them to each other. But BOTH parties have to consent to the marriage otherwise they won't get married. A woman's silence is her permission that she wants to get married.

    6)Niqab is obligatory. It's in the strong Hadiths. Read Bukhari.

    7)Women can work outside the home in Saudi Arabia. However many of them choose to follow their God given role in society to be wives and mothers. Women are paid more money then men at certain jobs like teaching or doctoring. However they should get the permission of their husband first and put their household duties before they work.

    8)A woman can only get divorced in Saudi if she has proof that her husband is beating her(i.e. punching her, kicking her, slapping her, breaking her bones, causing bodily harm to her, making her bleed).

    9)Saudi Arabia is NOT a tourist country. It is the birthplace of Islam.

  • Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world - one of my lecturers last year had actually seen a mass beheading in a Saudi car park! No judge, no jury - just beheadings!



    EDIT - Mintee, the original poster is not attacking Arabs, but the "politics" of Saudi Arabia. I know so many Arabs and they're all lovely people, very hospitable like you said - however Saudi Arabia itself needs to purge itself of all its oppressive regimes. The fact that there is a monarchy at all is a total disgrace to Islam - and contradicts some of its basic teachings on equality

  • the prophet saws said that the kalifah would end and it would become a monarchy in the end of time and as far as the women Ur wrong i know sister that live there my friend is a nurse with a bachelor degree the women. the people that are slaves inherited it from the family members that were slaves in a halal war and if you don't like living there you can always leave why don't you talk about the kuffar instead of the muslims u jerk.

  • let me comment on your points:

    Where KSA is contradicting Islam:


    Women driving.

    Wrong things you said:

    Not allowing women to get educated!! We have top class universities for women here!!

    Also, women can own land and property. They can even take loans from banks!!

    Women can work here, only condition is Islamic environment.

    We also don't allow slaves here!!

    We allow maids who choose to come and work for money. I agree there there are some cases of maids abuse, but they are punished by law here!!

    Arranged marriage!! Wrong.

    The guy doing the marriage has to hear the girl agreeing to get married. There are some cases of arranged marriage, but they are low.

    Who said we don't lilke non-Muslim tourists??

    Bad hospitality??!! Sheep are becoming insanely expensive here because people serve full sheep all the time whenever they invite guests!!!

    You are saying there are much more, keep them coming so we can answer them.

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