Is America really "Politically Incorrect"?

We call people from Africa who live in America "African Americas" yet we also call Blacks in America the same

We call Europeans White because it was too hard to learn to spell Caucasians

If you were born in a country you are a "Native" to that country but only American Indians are called Natives...

Is America really that "Politically Incorrect"?


  • I think the whole politically correct/politically incorrect thing is dumb to begin with. We are all inhabitants of Mother Earth and I think people spend way too much time worrying about what labels to put on someone. Ethnicity is irrelevant to who a person really is, anyway. How about calling people by their name?

  • Politically incorrect to just be a male!? If your are a male then be a male! All this bull !#$% going around in America undermining masculenity is stupid! There is nothing wrong with bening a male! It may be true that males are more agressive and do more crime but the problem isn't that we are males! The problem is that most of us men don't have someone to show what is to be honest, loyal, truthfull, or how to even be a man anymore. We sometimes have to act overagresive to think we are a male. However that is a lie, you don't have to be a besercer to be a male. Just like the statment " it is politically incorrect just to be male in America" is a lie. Forget what our messed up society thinks and be how you are!

  • Yes. Politically correct talk is a good way of avoiding the topic altogether rather than actually addressing it and that is necessary in modern day America.

  • The world is getting too politically correct if you ask me. The even tried to ban the kids cartoon Noddy because he shared a bed with Big Ears and Donald duck because he doesn't wear pants hehe

  • No, plenty of much more 'free' countries are much more 'politically incorrect' that is why they will over take and make insignificant countries that, for example, pass laws requiring that equally qualified women have to be chosen for all jobs that they apply for over and above men, as happened w. British employment law last week.

  • This is fiance was asking me this very question five days ago. He said that we distinct black americans as "S(I can now give people thumbs up or down - Yea!!!)African-Americans", but when we want to say white american we just say "American" in regular converstional dialogue. Why is that? Why do we haev to say African-American when we should just say American. It does not matter if he is balck or white!!!

  • lol oh please..i think america is TOO politically correct..for ***** sake you cant say anything anymore without some asshole getting offended for it..i mean jeez people need to relax and just chill cant say shell shock anymore..its PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) doesnt that just SOUND rediculous?? and hey im all for women's rights..but groups pushing for "person-hole cover" and "herstory" thats so stupid..they are just words, get over them (racial slurs are a different category..but i see nothign wrong with black, white etc)

  • I'm Black, male, born and raised in America. I consider my self to be an American. My father and his ancestors are Native Americans, (Osiyo Una Li i) to my Cherokee brothers and sisters). I prefer to be called by my name. Koye.

  • I am two of those ethnicities and I believe that political correctness isn't everything, its the intention behind the statement that people should look at, not the word itself

  • we're more politically correct than most other countries. in France if your grandmother immigrated to France and you've lived in France your whole life you're still an immigrant to them.

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