Ok, seriously, no really...seriously?

I posted a question earlier about how my mom favors my brother more.

So tonight we took a trip to walmart and my mom was looking at razors (the electric kind) with my brother(14). These razors are $40 plus....

Serisously, I use disposable and when I first started shaving I used disposable. I didn't use anything special. My mom still doesn't even buy the nicer disposable ones.

And he wouldn't even be shaving that often now.

I know this is going to sound extremely selfish but instead of my mom buying my brother a $40 electric razor she could pay for my soccer.

She buys all this expensive unneccessary stuff for him and then make me make due or lose out and I am really angry.

He doesn't need an electric razor now. There isn't enough and he wouldn't be shaving often. And what he does have would be taken care of just fine with a disposable razor.

Am I in the wrong for being so pissed?

Or is my mom in the wrong for buying him expensive unneccesary stuff and then telling me to make due or lose out?


I have talked to her.

She doesn't care.

She hates having to buy things like razors and shampoo.

Last thing she complained about having to buy for me was pads and tampons, she actually told me I need to use less, is she kidding?? I use whats needed.


  • That really suckes. So did she refuse to pay for your soccer? and how much was it?

    My mom is the same way, but she favors my cousins more. It's weird. But the one thing i've learned is that they aren't going to change.

    I'm 21yrs old and just moved back home for a month, and she can't stand anything at all being said about her neices and nephews.

  • You're not 'wrong' - you are very entitled to feel pushed aside. But your resentment doesn't solve anything. You can't make her treat you fairly. The best thing to do is not think about it too much.

  • Have you tried talking to her? Us mothers are not mind readers you know. Let her know how you feel.

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