How do you integrate e^(2-x)?


  • Integration by substitution is not required because it is only a linear function within the beacket. Simply integrate as normal then divide by the derivative of the bracket.

    ∫ e ^ (2 - x) dx

    e ^ (2 - x) / -1 + C

    -e ^ (2 - x) + C

  • reframe the question as

    int e^(2-x) = - int -e^(2-x)


    (2-x) as t therefore, -xdx = dt

    = - int e^t dt

    = - e^t

    = - e^(2-x)

  • = e^2 * e^-x

    Integrating it

    = e^2 * (- e^-x)

    = -(e^2 * e^-x)

    Hope this will help

  • e^(2-x)=e^2(e^(-x))




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