do college classes ever end early?

say you had a class from 12:30pm to 4:30pm. If the professor is finished at say 3:00, could he let his class out before 4:30?


  • Absolutely. In college the professor or instructor has complete control over the class times. It depends on the instructor though...some are really strict about staying for the entire time, even if they have to fill the last few minutes with random material, and others are really laid back about it. I've had classes end 5-10 min early, classes that only lasted for 10 minutes, and ones that were canceled after arriving because we all asked if we could leave since the weather was nice out.

  • I've only occasionally have classes end early, usually 10 or 15minutes never an hour early unless there was a test and I finished quickly.

  • Yeah, of course. You can let your students out whenever, although if you do it too much people will start to complain they are paying for more credit hours than they are actually getting.

  • yes he can

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