Why do Americans apose Socialism/Communism?

Most people hate it and don’t even know what it is.

Of course a perfect communism wont work, just as a perfect capitalism wouldn’t work. its a balance in between. If we were a perfect capitalism then there would be no public schools, or public parks. Monopolies are also created under a capitalist system. Socialism is the better of the 2. It’s a good balance in between yet few Americans understand that.

I have read the communist manifesto and I think the idea is very good. With just some revision it would be a great government system also known as socialism. Why should we be ruled by wealth and class rather then the individuals and the working man.

"The proletarians have nothing to loose but their chains" Karl Marx.


i assure you i am no creationist.

i am an atheist.


  • You have a point that socialism COULD be better, but that is only in the short term.

    Capitalism is the winner because of its long term effects. Socialism has no competition between people, therefore there is no reason to be strive to be better than anyone else. Its like a stagnant pond. Its safe, its easy to live in, but its stagnant! There has to be competition for there to be change and there has to be change for an economy and government to work.

    Also, in Socialism, everyone is treated equally. Which sounds good, its nice to think that the world can work with everyone at a metaphorical ground level. But again with the competition thing. If you make 10 shoes a day for a month, you get your salary of 100 dollars and a house. Then there is your lazy cousin. He makes 5 shoes a day for a month and also gets his 100 dollars and house. There is no reason why you shouldn't slack off, barely get any work done and still collect your paycheck. No one would try to strive to be better than the rest and have the reward to get to the top floor.

    Capitalism is good in the long run. Its like a violent river, its fast, changes constantly and is a world full of danger and competition. Everyone has to work as hard as they can to be a better person so that they can survive. It may create more people with less, but the entire population is benefited by the competition and the new technology or surplus that it creates.

  • It's the worlds greatest Theory and,

    In Practice, it's the worlds greatest fraud.

    A "Cult" for the disturbed. Marx was just trying to sell books for money, and goofs made a religion out of Sci-Fi.

    There's always someone/many at the top preaching equality, and being Royal.

    The only equality is the serfdom of the "lesser" ones.

    Financial equality does not bring people up, it takes people further down.

    "The problem with Socialism is, you soon run out of other peoples money." Margaret Thatcher

    Another proponent of do nothing, buy everything, but we're using your money, because I don't have any. boo hoo

    With friends like you, who needs enemies ... or is that the point? I think it is! Phony friendship ... for profit with no effort.

    There's a word for that ... w_ore.

    No Sale.

    Socialism/Communism destroys incentive and promotes laziness. All the same no matter what, with no hope of getting better, so why try. The less you do the better off you are, since the more effort you expend for the same reward, the dumber you are.

    After an initial boost for the do nothings, and a downfall for the ones who did try ... stagnation. The stagnation takes a while to settle in, but once it does, no one wants it any longer.

    Their Countries are destroyed from within by isolationism, because access to others brings about jealously, envy, truth of their subjugation, and the deceit perpetrated upon them by parade & pulpit (emotional noise).

    The best and brightest will be whisked away by the promise/lure of more than the "standard" ration.

    It has failed every time, for this reason.

    Oppose, not apose.

    Trying to sell the unisex, hive-minded, insect life as Nirvana? Stuff it back into the Cocoon.

    Most have said the same. Why? You figure it out.

    Every Jail or Prison is a "Mecca of", and a "Beacon for" Socialism.

    Same (food, medicine, housing, clothing, exercise yard) for everybody (except for those on top). We use it as punishment for like minded "Chuckle-Heads".

    Zimbabwe loves your idea, and wants to share what you have "equally" with you immediately. They don't have anything but starving/desperate people, Criminal leaders, and a heaping pile of guilt to share with you. Deal?

  • Most who promote it do'nt understand what life will be under such a system.

    "Why should we be ruled by wealth and class rather then the individuals and the working man."

    All people have a chance to make a choice. All people have an opportunity at success. All people have the right to self actualization. All are created equal. It is far better to have a chance at achieving success, than to have equal opportunity at mediocrity.

    Our system encourages greatness. It promotes competition. Through competition we achieve, and the best rise to the top. Those below learn, adapt, and overcome. All they have to do is, want to. If they are not satisfied then do something about it. Do not expect that they are entitled to something. They already have opportunity.

  • Most Americans seem to identify Socialism/communism with the dictatorships seen in Russia and China. So I wouldn't blame them for opposing that.

    But there is another way of looking at things, which is historically more accurate in the way the words were once used and is also more logically sensible, since Socialism is usually understood as the opposite of capitalism.

    Socialism will be a world society without money or classes where the land and factories and offices were owned by the whole people and production was for use rather than for profit. A society without poverty or millionaires, and also without wars.

  • Capitilism does work better then Socialism/Communism.

    Relly I have read the Comminust Manifesto it was written by a Man who could never support himself or his family.

    Kinda like Obama, Karl Marx Talked a good line.

    Theories are wonderful until put in practice.

    Then it shows that they are good or bad.

    Communism has been tried and only the upper Echelon share the wealth that doesn't amount to much because people do not produce under Communism.

  • We are not ruled by wealth and class, freedom is the rule. Free to get a good education, freedom to work hard and advance and therefore can become wealthy if that is what you choose, free to worhsip . Socialism creates laziness in many and it is a failure wherever it exists. Communism is the opposite of freedom, this actually creates wealth in the few at the top.

    The word is oppose not apose

    Quite frankly you do not seem to know what any of the systems are

  • The idea that all men are created equal is not true. A genius is very rare and countries or businesses will fight over them. You gain the top or best people by paying for them. It is simple supply and demand. America has the best talent from around the world. We go to other countries and try to steal their talent with money.

  • Anyone who understands Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection would not support anything but Capitalism. You must be a Creationist... Yawn...

  • Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds ever, was both a pacifist and held to certain aspects of national socialism. Most really, really intelligent people believe this way. That pretty much leaves the rest who see no value in life except to make money, at any cost and no matter how many people have to be in-slaved in order to do it.

    At the end of WW-II, if the world had listened to Einstein and followed his principles for world peace --- that's what we would have right now. No profit in peace though ... lots of money to be made in wars.

    Einstein loved America. He loved it for all the right reasons: individual freedoms and personal rights, freedom of expression and exchange of ideas and creativity. He didn't think much of unbridled capitalism oppressing the freedoms of the people.

    See: EINSTEIN: His Life and Universe

    by Walter Isaacson

    ISBN: 13-978-0-7432-6473-0

  • Just look at the Ex-Soviet Union... They crumbled like dust because socialism/communism failed. If you read up on history you would understand this.

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