Guys--Do you prefer fun or serious girls?

I having guy issues at the moment. I'm pretty sure guys think of me as "just one of the guys" and don't really take me seriously. It doesn't help that I can be kind of ditzy, and I don't really care what people think of me. I'm just curious to see if you guys would rather date someone like me, or a girl that's more serious. Thank you!


  • No guy likes a girl when they are real serious all the time Id rather have a fun girl.

  • For me I like someone that is serious, but knows how to have fun.

    When Im concentrating on something important, I dont want to be bothered with happy spunky fun time ideas.

    Then again, when Im bored, Im more than ok with going out and having a good time. I guess I like the serious girls more, but thats just me. its different for every guy.

  • It's about balance and knowing when to be which.

    Someone who's trying to be funny when the situation can't be made funny just makes people cross with the. On the other hand, a funny person can make a serious situation a lot better just by being funny.

    So it's about knowing when to be funny and when to be serious.

  • Girls that are serious, but can laugh at themselves are the most "fun" to me. The smarter the sexier- however playing dumb sounds pretty smart to me too.

    One of the Guys? Now THAT sounds serious.


  • I personally love it when they're both. U kno theres a time and place for everything. Hopefully ur serious when u need to be. A guy should like you for who you are. The last thing you need is to change yourself for anyone. Just be yourself and you'll be fine.

  • fun is great. being wit a person whos constantly serious sorta sucks. however, if ur like 2 fun and not serious wen u should b, dats bad 2. so sorta in between. buh leanin toward fun.

  • Fun girls are temporary, serious girls(as long as they have humour) eventually are ask to marry and are more respected.

  • A little of both. But if I had to choose just one, it would be serious

  • i prefer fun girls- not too fun though. serious girls aren't bad either but fun girls are funner? lol

  • she has to have a serious side that can go to funny instantly but she has to be willing a faithful also

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