removing brontok from my computer?

when i download the free software that cleans it up, how do i know it's running or if it's working? it will download, and there will be 2 icons that aren't really.. open-able.


  • Try this link:

    Full information on brontok, removal tool and all file, registry locations.

    You can also download BitDefender 10 for free as an on-demand scanner which will remove any further traces:

    or use BitDefender online scanner:

  • FIRST circulate to MICROSOFT, GET THE REGISTRY DEFENDER AND cleanser. I HAD the comparable ONE, I RAN those SCANS, discovered classes I DIDNT USE AND permit THE CLEANERS do away with THEM, THEN circulate and purchase the perfect ANTIVIRUS application THE NORTON AND RUN IT. THERES additionally A application called blunders NUKER USE THAT TOO.ultimately what sort of pc DO you have, HP incorporates THE restoration DISKS and that they are going to deliver THEM TO YOU for loose. ASK FOR RAGLAND R., PLUS you could could purchase a clean domicile windows application, it somewhat is between the a thank you to do away with THE VIRUS. any further QUESTIONS digital mail ME AT [email protected].

  • download avast antivirus and scan your pc using boot scan of avast

    next follow the instructions given in the url below

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