Does Obama actively practice any particular religion?


  • 0bummer IS the chicken that his anti-American pastor wright preached about.

    and he is roosting in the big house.

  • Why does this matter?

    Are we not supposed to be a country that is tolerant of other faiths? Except for.... who... Kennedy?... all Presidents have been Protestant?


    I am NOT a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Buddhist, a Scientologist, or anything else, yet I consider myself to be a pretty honest and decent person. Actions speak much louder than religious affiliation.

    Obama's religious beliefs should not matter, his ability to lead should. A Christian is not inherently more prepared to lead than anyone else.

    America really needs to put aside it's crusade against Muslims, and every other religion that does not neatly fall under the Christian umbrella.

  • Who cares? Religion and government are separate in the United States Of America.

  • Christianity

  • Yes if not keeping your promises is part of a particular religion

  • Actively practice? I don't think so. It's one of the things I like best about him.

  • Probably not, which I think is great. I much prefer my leader to make decisions based on facts and logical reasoning than on "faith" and "because the Bible says so."

  • No. Once we found out that what he called "religion" was Jeremiah anti-America and anti-white rantings, he decided it's best to play golf on Sundays and avoid the subject.

  • Yes. He is a Christian. He actually refers to it more than Bush did.

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