Planning a trip to Costa Rica, Jamaica or Puerto Rico?
My family and I are planning a trip for a week and we narrowed it down to these three places.
Wondering if some people could answer some questions!
1. Which one would you recommend (Costa Rica, Jamaica or Puerto Rico)??
2. We will all be over 18, except for me, im 17 and will be going 3 months before my 18th birthday. Would I be able to drink on a resort? I have been told many times that I look a lot older than I am. So do you think I would get away with having a couple drinks at supper/swim up bar/etc.??
3. Any resorts you could recommend?
Any other information appreciated, Thank you!!!
well the best thing do i would rather go freeport bahams is nice island in the caribbean
saint vicnet and the greadines is the nicest island in the caribbena
and union island is nice plentystiuff do in the islad
barabdos is nice island the caribbean