Do you prefer comments or messages?


  • That depends on the nature of the conversation. Comments if it's just a chat or catching up, messages if it's lengthy or personal.

  • Messages. Not only are they more private, but a problem I have with comments is that I forget what we're talking about or I forget what the person says and I have to go back and check. That's not a problem with messages.

    I know a lot of people prefer comments over messages because of the number, but the number doesn't matter.

  • definitely depends on the subject matter at hand! If it is something personal I want it in a message and I won't approve the comment. If I don't care if anyone on my friends list reads it then I like comments.

  • I like the messages. They're more personal. I try to send lots of messages to my contacts, asking them questions I think they may be interested in talking about. Comments are more of a way of checking in when there's not much to talk about.

  • I honestly do not prefer one over the other. Although, definitely messages for more private conversations.

  • i like comments :) cause then i can track how many ive gotten over time...but if somethings personal i definately message

  • messages bcuz i dont like putting all my business out there 4 pple 2 read n cause trouble

  • comments , cuz the messages are ugly cuz the box. i use aim though

  • comments. :]

    bc messages bother me bc i constantly have to delete my inbox if it gets too full...and thats just annoying.

  • well it depends

    message- if u want to keep the conversation one on one

    comment- if its ok for every1 to see

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