Mega City Service scam?

My husband and I sent in $1000 for a security deposit on a loan we applied for. We began to suspect something when our closing date was arriving. We kept getting an answer from Rachel saying it would "be a little while longer". We were patient but our gut was telling us something was not right.

The following week we called the Toronto Police Department and asked what to do. After a day or so, we got a call back and they delivered the (wonderful) news that in fact, Mega City Services, was a scam. We were sickened.

LUCKILY though, because we sent our $1000 by money order, it was never cashed and the money was returned to us 2 weeks later. We WERE lucky.

How can someone in their full conscience do this?

We called the BBB even before we applied and there was no report on them. So, you can be careful and do your research but then you'll never know.


  • There are a dozen a day here, you were one of the lucky ones. Unfortunatly they also prey on people who are desperate and have no or bad credit, making a bad situation worse.

  • You are lucky. I sent them 500.00 cash cause I was desperate. Gary Bowles is the guy that I dealt with. I was thinking to call the BBB - but nothing. I filed a complaint with Industry Canada. I am hoping something comes back to me soon. They were also able to give me an address 4936 Yonge Square #607 and another number of 416-364-4936 as Patrick's address. When I google maped the address it did not seem to far.

    I would love to get my money back. I feel like such a moron, but I was desperate.

  • Yes they sure are, I was just scammed by them. They say oh just send a $500 deposit and well give you ur $5000.00 loan, Yea right I sent my money and now they seyin that they are having finanical difficulties and they are not able to comply with the terms and conditions set out , and they wait til the last day when your suppose to get the money to tell u this. DAMN SCAMMERS, thank they say u have 2 options we can put you back into the network to find a different lender (that will take up 1-30 days) or the second option we can refund your deposit and this will take up to 3-6 weeks, like hell the quickest as i sent them my money I want it back right away... I can't beleive this they have scammers writin all over their foreheads

  • If you are asking for a loan, its implied that you need money, right ?

    So, why would you in your right mind send money to get a loan? Does it make sense to you ?

    That should have been the red light.

    You should have spotted it was a scam once they asked for money. You do not need to send money to anyone to apply and to be approved for a loan, unless you are applying for secured credit card , which is not a loan.

    There is a website in which you should always serach there and also post you experience to prevent people from falling into the same scam. The page is:

    And by the way, people who want to scam you do not have a conscience.

    Always applied to lenders who have been in the market already and have a name.

    Good luck next time.

  • I have noticed this has happened to alot of people. I am one myself . I don't live in the Toronto area and I was just wondering if I should contact the Toronto police. I have saved every piece of email from them.

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