EMO freaks?

does anyone else hate these, girl pant wearing, black hair dyed, bi sexual queers as much as me?? not to mention the music they listen to is guitars with whining voices over it. please let this fad come to an end!!!!


  • you ******* ***

    hole the only reson you dont like

    them is because they are hotter

    then your ******* retarded *** you

    *** hole and the music

    kicks *** your *** hole mother

    ****** get a life and dont juge peolp

    you cant under stand you selfish reatard *** hole mother ******

  • SHUT THE F*** UP!!!! U STEREOTYPE!!! AHHH!!!! ITS PEOPLE LIKE YOU THAT MAKE ME SOOOOOO PISSED!!! First of all, its not a fad, its a way of life. The music, clothes, and other stuff is how they live. And what gives you the right to judge people like that!? HUH?!?!? I mean, what makes you better than someone who is emo, or anything else! You are pathetic! If all you can do is get people to talk s*** about emos, you need to find a damn hobbie or get some friends before you get your a** kicked! PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE AGREES!

  • The sad thing is honey, is this is a "trend" that has been going on for years...its nothing new....just the same old re-hashed boohoohoo poor me crap that my friends and I

    did circa 1986. They'll grow out of it and before you know it

    they will be your bankers and doctors and lawyers, and the next batch of kids (believing they are whatever and cool) will come along and be exactly the same. Its just how trends and fads work, unfortunately.

  • Well if you think about it emo is not a bad thing to be. Most of the people who are emo, sustain from drugs and alcohol. But yeah a lot of them have been know to try to commit suicide but that is probably only because they are not using drug or alcohl to make them feel good. Yeah and most are vegetarians, so that is good for the animals. Personal I find nothing wrong with people who are emo. It is the people how abuse themselves with drugs and alcohol and abuse other people that make me made. Why do they have to do that?

  • Adolesent girls like "non-threaten boys". Always have, always will! This trend won't come to an end until it saturates the market and the tweens move on to the next thing. I hope it's "death metal"!!!

  • Whatever floats your boat

  • It sure beats Hair Bands...

  • im totally agreeing with you ......i hate those emo freaks....damn!

  • You're just jealous.

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