Do you remember?

penny candy, tieweggin shoes, wing tip shoes , slam books,granny dresses,wool shorts and knee socks sweaters to football games,going steady,sweetheart rings,fruitloops on oxford shirts we use to pull off if you do you are Sen. citizen congradulations because we back then thought we wouldnt live to be 30 and we made it, right?


  • Remember all of it! And the Slam Books . . I thought I was the only one who remembered them. In fact, some of the Q & A's here in Seniors have reminded me of the old Slam Books!

    Here are some others: coordinated Bobbie Brooks outfits, spitting on madras to see if the colors "bleed", triangle head scarves, high school pennants and "shakers" at the games, and someone in your crowd always had either a VW Bug or Bus painted with big psychedelic flowers all over it.

    Anyone remember Colleen Corby, the favorite model of the 60's?

  • OH my but I was just trying to describe to a friend the other day about the "fruitloop" things on the Oxford shirts.. they had never heard of them. But that was as big thing in school.. for a gal to pull the fruitloop from the boys' shirts. Many a parent got mad at that I suppose.. HE HE. I remember knee socks for real as I got them every Christmas from my Gramma and they lasted for years. As for the penny candy... I just told a story not long ago about how the grade school teachers would open a locker and sit there and sell penny candy at my elementary school. Gawd forbid they did that today hey?

  • I remember penny candy. going steady and raccoon coats. we also wore saddle oxfords and virgin pins. One year it was cool to wear your sweater buttoned in the back! How about poodle skirts? Bobby socks. Smoking in the bathroom. and chewing gum in class (forbidden). Back then we did not have lockers and had to carry all our books note books, and pencils every where! Not only that, Our high school was two story with a basement. Every year we went from basement to 2nd floor for all our classes.!! Poppy

  • We called the shoes Bass Weggins and I dont remember slam books but I do remember all the rest. I had forgotten about the wool shorts with knee socks but remember having these and feeling so preppy.

  • Oh yes. Sweet memories.

    "Give Me That Old Time Rock and Roll"

    It was neat, we had a candy store right next to the theater, with the old time popcorn popper.

    I always bought the walnetto's. Vermont Country Store still sell them in their catalog.

    It was so good right after it was popped. YUM!


    The movie cost 14 cents and I remember always paying with one of the penny's being the grayish color.

  • I remember penny candy, wing tip shoes, going steady.

    You were an abject failure in HS if you weren't going steady

    and had a ring on a necklace chain to prove it.

    I was still on the outside looking in. Only one crinoline under

    my poodle skirt. (But at least I did have saddle shoes.)


  • Only penny candy, granny dresses, knee socks, and fruit loops

  • Penny candy rules!

  • remember all these very well, another great fad we had in our area was getting one of dad's old white shirts to wear with our Levi's. On special outings or at the end of the school year we would have our friends autograph them, then embroidery the names in bright colored thread. I actually still have a couple of mine. When my grand daughter saw it, it was proclaimed "AWESOME" now she wants to do one.

  • I remember whole stores that sold only penny candy! Grade A's were my favorite,whats yours?

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