Can you guess if I'm a republican or a democrat?

"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds." -Einstein

Am I a democrat or republican, and what party are you?


  • I think your a 12 year old girl who should get off the computer and finish your homework .

  • Quote by Einstein. Could possibly be applied to the psuedo health care debate. Decent spelling, and fair sentence structure.

    Oh, and you didn't once use Hitler facist socialist communist.

    So I'm going to guess democrat. Of course you could really be fooling us all and actually consider yourself an Independent or a Libertarian.

    I personally am an Independent.

  • Violent opposition sounds like Obama's union thugs. Spirit sounds too religious to be Democrat.

  • Yes it's just like saying if you are not with us you are against us. So, if you are with Pres. Obama you are a democrat and if you are against him you are absolutely a Republican.

  • Sound like a democrat to me.. Must have been referring to the weak-minded Republican party of "no".

  • Democrat


  • Democrat


  • I hope your a republican and you are calling obama a weak mind.

    I'm republican, what can I say I love my guns

  • Pseudo-intellectual = Democrat.

  • I'd say liberal cause your looking for positive affirmation...

    PS - Back then "Liberals" were libertarians, and today's liberals were called progressives...

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