Do Strippers Date Clinets?

I'm a 24 year old guy who enjoys going to strip clubs. I was wondering if strippers usually go out with clients. Whenever I go, the dancers are really friendly, but I'm not sure whether they're friendly for money or because they like me. Please help!


  • yea, they know exactly what they're doing. they'll date a guy who they think they can manipulate into getting money out of them, whether it be to buy them expensive things or take them on trips, they're gonna milk it for all it's worth. you just can't take a stripper seriously if you meet her in that setting.

  • How To Date Strippers

  • I have & would again, even though my experience with dating one wasn't great. She drank like a fish, & then when we got to her place, she handled sex like it was some sort of chore, & had no stamina. Still, I would date a stripper for several reasons. First, I actually respect strippers. At least they are working & trying to make a living, which is more than I can say for a lot of people. A stripper is a woman who has a career, & that's attractive to me. Plus, a lot of people lump strippers with hookers, but I don't. Just because a woman takes her clothes off for money doesn't mean she's unclean. Of course, you have to throw in the fact that she is beautiful. Also, I know a stripper isn't going to chew me out for going to a strip club. Finally, it seems like strippers are more likely to be bisexual, & I like dating bisexual women. With them, not only do you have a better chance of that fantasy threesome, but you can also compare & see if you're both attracted to women for the same reasons. So, yeah, I would definitely date a stripper given the opportunity. Even if she wasn't bi, I would still be dating a woman who I know is willing to work to earn a living, is comfortable with herself, is confident, & is beautiful. What more can a man want?

  • If they want to date you .. no matter how nice they think you are ... it's usually because you've been throwing around a lot of money .

    I used to go to strip clubs .. and I was friendly with some of the dancers ... They figured it was safe to sit at my table cause I never wanted to pick them up ... I had some interesting conversations with them ... Don't date a stripper you meet at her job .

  • They are after the money! Sorry to disappoint but they usually do not date clients, and they will be as nice as they have to, to earn the money they need. Most of them are not a one man woman either! So be prepared if you do date one, be careful. They may be dating the guy next to you too!

  • MONEY!! they are at work. . .

    most girls won't date the customers, especially if they are the kind of guy who comes in a lot.

    I work as a dancer & I have met cool guys there. I wouldn't go on a date with them because I know they're just trying to get something extra & only see me in a sexual way.

    If a guy doesn't have money or buy dances I don't waste my time talking to him, even if I would talk to him outside of the club.

    I do know a few girls who ended up dating customers, but this is rare.

    The girl's job is to be nice & make it seem like they like the guy. The girls are ego boosters & confidence builders. . .

  • Being 'friendly' to their clients is how they make their money. Yes, some do 'date' their customers, but it is no more than taking the job outside the club, not a real serious relationship but one where you still pay for the attention.

  • They are trying to make extra money. They have to be friendly for that reason. I doubt they would want to date their customers.

  • they are only nice for that cash. don't get hyped up, those strippers don't want you and most of the time they are drunk or coked up

  • Generally no. Theyre either drug users, in a relationship, or theyre lesbians (which is quite common actually). Dont go there. Especially since they may also be doing prostitution on the side and their pimp might come after you.

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