how Is poop made?


  • lol...

    How to make "poop" yourself! lol:


    1.Eat a Double Whopper Meal

    2.Your meal will be going thought your mouth, after chewing & mixing with saliva, it will go directly to your stomach

    3.Your tummy will start digesting the meal & making it soft

    4.Now, your meal will run though that long weird lookin' thing where all the vitaminz n'stuff are being absorbed, also flueds.

    5.What's left of your whopper meal will go to the end of that long thingy & when it gets "crowded" you'll go to the bathroom &.....

    POOP!! :)

  • It is the waste product from the cells and body of your bird. Be grateful your bird is making poop. It is a sign of a healthy individual!

  • The REAL question is, why do you want to know? Because if you REALLY want to know you wouldn't be asking us!

  • I do not know it just comes out

  • you eat.. and this should not be on the birds Qs... some of us are actually trying to be serious...

  • same way yours is

  • um idk. good question! lol. :)

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