If Arabs put Terror aside,?

How would Israel and it's area look like? Imagine the place was as peaceful as Europe


Mr. Bravo Sierra, you can't say Jews will live peacefully when you want to destroy them



  • Let me correct you:

    Europe area with Muslim population are NOT PEACEFUL...

  • What if israel gets the hell out of the middle east ? imainge how the area would look like ? it would just be as advanced and as peaceful as europe .

  • When's the last time an Arab country tried to attack "israel"? Now, when's the last time the illegal Zionist entity attacked Arabs?

    I don't know whether you're self deluded or not, but any sane person knows who promotes terrorism in Palestine.

  • Naor,

    When Zionism will disappear everything will be arranged,

    Muslims, Jews and christians will drop the terrorism, and the whol world will find peace again, not only the middle east.

    Don't foget that the Apartheid state is the last existing colony on the earth now, and it can cot continue for ever.

  • Lovely vision of all people learning to live and work together.. right? Plant flowers and trees.. good schools ,smiling faces, happy people.. Everyone has to try, even the Israelis.. right.. We all have to try together.. and stop blaming everyone else...

  • A bigger problem is finding a solution to make both sides happy.

  • Stop trying to promote ethnic cleansing, Naor...it's naughty.

  • What exactly do you think an "Arab" is

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