How is a prophecy made?

I'm writing a short story, and I'm just generally curious.

Is a prophecy contained in a scroll, or in books?


  • There are many ways of making a prophecy. It depends on your story's setting. In the ancient times they are told by saints or prophets (Middle East), who receive divine inspiration, and oracles (Greek). In the time of Nostradamus he did it by looking into a device he had designed. Then he wrote his vision in quatrains (French) or poem-like verses in four lines. In more recent times prohecies are told by shamans (Indian and Latin American, Mexico, U.S.)

    In some places, a prophecy is made by one who casts stones and bones, etc (shaman), then the shaman reads the formation of the stones and bones, etc. Chinese oracles do prophecy by ethnic means such as lighting incense then praying to Buddha. Yes,a prophecy can be contained in scrolls or books. Sometimes they are painted on church walls, cave walls, others in secret writings (see "National Treasure"; "10,000 B.C."), or in a song.

    A psychic who looks into a crystal ball or cards also does it. Some psychics just see visions without the help of crystal balls or cards. These psychics usually go into a trance then speak out what they see. Just take your pick, Try to make your psychic look into the future by spreading spaghetti or cheese on a plate then splash ketchup on the cheese. Be original.

  • Generally, (at least in fiction and myth) a prophecy is originally received by a prophet or prophetess, from some supernatural source such as a god or from interpreting something such as dreams, entrails, bones, cards, etc. The prophecy can then be passed down by oral tradition and/or written down, in books or scrolls or stone tablets or however seems best for the society your story is set in. If you want this to be an old prophecy, your characters might not even know where it originally came from. On the other hand, if it's a recent prophecy, they could be present when the prophet receives the prophecy! You actually have a lot of artistic license here; just make sure it fits with the feel of your story. However, if you're writing a story set in a real ancient or modern culture, you might need to do some more research to figure out which kinds of prophecy best fit your setting.

  • A prophecy is supposed to be a message from gods to humans. It can arrive in various ways. Some receive messages in dreams. The Delphic Oracle was in a room where some steam came from the earth that put her in a trance before she spoke. Some prophets look into basins filled with water. Some claim they hear gods speaking to them in various ways. some look at animal entrails. Some grasp a handful of ashes and look at the patterns made. Some use crystal balls. Prophets may write prophecies on scrolls, stone tablets or books of papyrus, animal skins, etc.

  • They have been born very presently after the prophecy became into made. I discern it became into basically some months aside. The prophacy ought to swing in direction of the two Neville and Harry because of the fact they have been born on an identical day. Now the clarification the prophecy isn't approximately Neville is as a results of the fact Voldemort marked Harry. there is speculaton that the prophecy remains approximately Neville because of the fact he has been marked emotionally via Voldemort. If this became into the case however then in e book 5 Harry would not have been in a position to retreive the prophecy. hence the prophecy is approximately Harry and became into made an identical year they have been born. in case you do the mathematics they inform you sufficient in the process the books to peice jointly the year she made the prophecy. wish this clears issues up.

  • A prophecy is usually made by someone who is psychic or inspired by God. Sometimes it is written down in a scroll or a book, but the original prophecy is seen by an individual in a spiritual vision.

  • A prophecy is a message sent to a prophet, then the prophet communicates to others the message.

    They normally involve divine insparation, interprataion, or events to come.

    Prophecys are all throughout mankind's religion.

    The term "prophecy" is deeply popular in the world's two largest religions, Christianity and Islamic.

    So basically a prophecy is a prediction of good or bad things to come in the future.

  • Personally, I think a lot of so-called prophecies are MADE by speculation. Just look around you at the news, what's happening in your neighborhood, global warming, business closures, unemployment and you have the perfect beginnings of a perfect prophecy. Try it! What might you prophesy about the outcome of all these negative things? A super-being comes floating from the sun to save all humankind from itself! The earth opens up and large, hungry carnivorous snakes arise to eat people, their pets, and the vegetation. Make up something. You, too, can be a prophet.

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