Ashlee simspon or Madonna concert?

Okay i know neither concert is coming soon, but I wanted to go to either Ashlee or Madonna's concert whenever they come up, but i can only go to one of them... which concert would be worth it more? and if any of u went to either Madonna's or Ashlee's concert before tell me! and don't be hateful against either of them if u dont like them, meaning dont say ashlee "lip sings" or Madonna is "crazy"... just want to know which concert would be worth it! thnx


  • You have to ask? Madonna, definitely! She has so much energy, talent and sex appeal. She's a veteran performer. TV doesn't do her justice. You have to see her in person. She's awesome!!

  • Well, I would recommend Ashlee (and not just because she is one of my fave singers.) I have never really been into Madonna's music (that is not my generation), but I adore Ashlee's music. I loved each of her cd's and I've always wanted to go to one of her concerts. I saw a special on E! a couple months ago (it was one of her concerts in L.A.) and I loved it!! So, I definitely think that Ashlee's would be worth the money--and you'll save some money, too!!! :D

  • Madonna because at least I know some of her songs. Never heard an Ashlee Simpson song. Madonna has more star power.

  • Well im not being mean but if that was my choice i would stay home. But Madonna is talented and Ashlee is not so theres ya answer, but i wouldnt be caught at either. PEACE~

  • Madonna ... anyday.. forget ashlee... does she even sing? I never heard a song of hers.. oh yea...i remember .. the 'one hit wonder'.. (what ever that means... just heard from someone)..

  • madonna rocks!

  • Madonna no doubt!!!!!!!

  • i'll take death.

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