Libs: Is Obama a great foreign policy president?

Is he good?


What is your opinions on HIS performance in this area?


  • Probably the worst ever for our country.

    "Rarely has a U.S. president been so wrong about so much at the expense of so many. Too many times to count, Mr. Obama has told us he is "ending" the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—as though wishing made it so. His rhetoric has now come crashing into reality. Watching the black-clad ISIS jihadists take territory once secured by American blood is final proof, if any were needed, that America's enemies are not "decimated." They are emboldened and on the march."

  • You really can't be serious! He has been a "terrible" foreign policy president! Besides Iran, has ANY country improved its opinion of the US?

  • What is the goal of our foreign policy? If it is to start WW3, then I believe Obama is doing a great job.

  • Yes, he is. Compared to Busht*rd Barney the pink dinosaur is a good foreign policy expert.

  • He needs to stop "drawing red lines" bring all of our troops home and end the American empire. Other than that, as long as he does not start another war, I don't really care.

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