removing concrete nails?

Ok so I took out a solid wood and bar only for my project to be halted by concrete screws. I've so far tried to pull them up (4 others came out easily, 2 are stuck), I've tried to hammer the 2 from side to side to see if they'll snap, nothing...Then I tried bending them over with a sledge hammer, all I got was bent stuck nails, no snapping; these 2 are evil, I swear... So how the heck do I snap them enough to make level for laminate? I have a grinder (know idea what kind of blade it has) but am worried that if I use it I might catch the wood panelling on fire (we've had 2 house fires in the neighbourhood recently and I don't like my odds); any other ideas?


  • Use a 4" hand grinder with a thin cutting disk. It will go through them like hot knife through butter!

  • You need a nail puller with some leverage. Try a crow bar.

  • sawzall with a long blade

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