Does dog pee stain?

I adopted the greatest one year old dog five weeks ago to the day, and the first few weeks, she would frequently pee/poop on the rug. I was pretty diligent about cleaning it, however, I didn’t get a rug cleaner and although she has not defecated inside in over two weeks, the stains appear to be coming up more visible. I will be renting a rug cleaner in the morning in hopes that they will vanish after a good cleaning. Any thoughts? I rent, and am afraid the deposit will be forfeited as a result of my canine. Also, she is very good about going potty outside, and I hope that with the rug cleaner, her scent will vanish and she will have no future desire to go inside. Thanks


  • It will soak right through the carpet, under pad to the flooring. Best way to clean is to roll back the carpet where stained and remove the damaged under pad and piece in new. This is where the odour will remain and stains re-appear if not removed.Clean and disinfect the floor area also before piecing in new under pad. I have been on jobs where the urine has taken the finish right off the hardwood flooring. Clean the back side of the carpet where stained before you re-lay it then clean and deodorize your carpet. If it sounds like a lot call for some quotes from carpet cleaning companies preferably ones with a "Truck Mounted" steam cleaner not some portable hot water extractor like people rent, you want the real thing "Steam" to clean and disinfect. You will probably be surprised at the cost of hiring as apposed to renting and doing the work yourself.

  • Yes, dog urine stains, and you can fix this by using White Vinegar 3/4 cup to half full bucket of hot water, wash with this solution don't wet your sponge or cloth too much with the liquid, you don't want to soak your carpet and drive the urine down to the padding this will cause it to keep smelling, then when this is done you then sop up as much of the liquid with a towel white towel or non bleeding colored towel is okay, then you then get fresh water and add to your empty bucket and add about two to three tablespoons of dishwashing detergent or Wisk and 1/4 cup of vinegar, then sponge this on the spots where the dog urinated on the carpet, then rinse with cool water when you have done this, use a clean dry towel again and weight down with something heavy overnight on the spot where you have cleaned and by morning this area will be clean and fresh again and you dog won't have a tendency to return to that spot to urinate.

  • stains will keep coming up from the pad of the carpet.. even if you think you got it. you didnt.. get a good steam cleaner. not a cheap one. spend 300 or more on it. its part of having an indoor dog. renting and having a dog too is just plain a bad idea.. maybe you will learn.. just for starters most rentals dont even allow dogs. you should have thought bout your deposit before you got a dog. a rug dr is a one time deal and will cost you 1/3 of a buy it yoruself one. just pony up the money and get a good steam cleaner now.. you will need it more than once.

  • Spray the stain with spray and wash before using the carpet cleaner. Once you clean the area, spray with bounce fabric softener. That should take away any odor.

  • with a little Lemon juice and Ammonia will lift the stain &remove the stain

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