How do i retrain my brain?

there were a few painful events that happened to me last year. i didn't want to think about them, so i unconsciously trained my brain to slide away from them whenever something reminded me of them. (that's what it felt like, sliding.)

now, i think i'm over most of them and i want to think about them again to get closure, but it requires a huge amount of conscious effort.

how do i retrain my brain?


  • eat fish and excersise it with brain teasers and quizes

    fish improves iq by ten

  • We all have painful events that we block for some time until we are ready to deal with them. The easiest way I found to deal with unsavoury issues is to write them down. This will give you clarity of thought & cleanse/de-tox your system. Holding things in will make you unwell after a time. Take care & god bless.

  • You have to work through your issues and the way they are effecting your life. The best and most effective way to do that is talk to a psychologist who will help you get through your painful memories and put them in your past.

    Its not easy work and it can be painful but its better then reoccuring painful thoughts. THat intrude your everyday life and ruin it.

  • You gotta cry like a baby for about an hour, and get it out of your system, and put on some headphones and listen to some old Guns n Roses at top volume ("Estranged" is a good agony song to vent with...Dig Slash's lead guitar on THAT one, Baby! That will get it out of your system fast...)

    And then get on with your life...time is a' wastin'...

  • Keep your mind refreshed and keep your body recharged by having proper diet and rest.

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