For you. Is cinema a positive or negative experience?

This week I'm teaching some spanish classes on cinema. I'd really like some examples with reasoning to the question: is you experience of cinema positive or negative? In English or in Spanish is fine. So:

para ti ¿El cine es una experiencia positiva o negativa?



  • It all depends on the movie, how crowded it is, and the other people seeing it.

    For example, when I went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2, the theater was packed full of people, you could see people wearing Gryffindor scarves and lightening scars drawn on foreheads scattered about throughout the room. Everyone was whispering excitedly until the lights dimmed. You could feel the anticipation throughout the room. Everyone was there, together, all taking part in the end of a magnificent story, even if we didn't all know each other. There was laughter, cheering, gasps, crying, clapping. It was wonderful.


    Awhile ago, I went to go see the movie Dream House. Rotten Tomatoes reviews weren't the best, but I ignored them because I had read a bookseries called "The Dreamhouse Kings", and I thought it was going to be the same thing! Turns out, it was just some freak coincedence that the movie was called dreamhouse. It was a horrible movie, no plot line, didn't make any sense, and on top of that, besides me, my sister, and 3 teenage couples, the theater was empty. The theater manager came in during the middle of the movie and chased the couples out. They had spread out around the theater, and, well, I guess were planning to do the dirty in there because they thought no one else would be in there. You could hear them while they were being escorted out say something about a motel down the road. Yeah. That had to have been the worst theater experience I've ever had.

    So, it all just really depends.

  • It depends on the movie shown. I've taken a good number of spanish courses during high school and continue to in college, and will minor. I enjoyed some and thought others were poor choices to show students.. I really enjoyed watching El Laberinto del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth) for instance, which I enjoyed. However, watching these amatuerish dvds that came with the textbook were pointless in my mind because the students didin't even pay attention. Also, It can def be beneficial if students have read a book, and then watch the movie adaptation, and compare, contrast, etc. Also, if you can project the movie on a wall, that is 10 x better than playing it on a small tv.

  • I agree, you simply sound like a sort hearted younger guy. Unfortunately in at present society many mother and father (myself incorporated) have a tendency to be relatively overprotective in their youngsters. This isn't your fault, it is simply the best way matters are this present day. If the baby says hello to you first, say hello again and allow it cross at that.

  • Is cinema for you a good or bad experience? For me is a good experience but a very expensive one :))

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