PC Recovery/ System Recovery?

Whats the difference between a PC Recovery using the harddrive partition and a System Recovery using backup disks? Is there

a difference?

I did a PC Recovery yesterday and it didn't rid me a of a problem that I believe to be a virus.

If I do a System Recovery using backup disks- will it?


  • system recovery should take care of it for you. my toshiba laptop came with recovery disk and i've used it several times to fix my laptop the disk has been a life saver.

  • PC recovery on DOs mode partition, is just to recover your OS boot system, unlike System recovery on a floppy drive a: is to restore windows system components. or run a chdsk command /f to make it booth again.

    To completely erase the virus, format your computer to a fresh copy and install a good reliable antivirus application.

  • what are you referring to with PC recovery? is it a program or a method?

    add to your question please

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