Do Transsexuals have physical characteristics?

I am 5'11.

small arms.

I weigh in the neighborhood of 125

My fingernails grow really fast, and my fingers are long and skinny.

I am not incredibly hairy.

If i put my arms right against me and have my palms forward the arms branch out away from the body.

I think i have a little feminine bone structure.

My feet however are not incredibly small. My shoe size is 10.5 in US sizes. Can you also tell me what this would be in women sizes?


I am almost 21, and i have not even told really anyone how i feel.

Update 3:

I did not start getting these feelings until i was 11 or 12.

Update 5:

i also cant afford to see a gender therapist right now, even though i think there is one really close to where i live..


  • There are no physical characteristics 'cause it isn't a physical thing in that manner what you need to be asking yourself is do you feel that you should have been born the opposite gender & if the answer is no w/ out a doubt then yeah you are a transsexual & you need to see a gender therapist if not then I would still see one anyway just to make sure. But from what you say here I wouldn't personally say that you are a transsexual, but I'm not a specialist.

  • Transgendered people do not have physical characteristics. You are transgender because of who you are.

    If you are not sure you are transgendered you may need a therapist to figure out just what you feel. If you are to become a woman you will need a gender therapist. It takes special paperwork to go through the process. You cannot get hormones or surgery without the paperwork, and no one is going to give you the paperwork without seeing you first.

    Many people wait until long after they are 21 to transition, so not having told anyone yet is not a problem.

    Being gay has nothing to do with it. Not all male to female transsexuals are straight (if you were to become a woman with your attractions you would be a lesbian like me). Many find that their attractions change as they go through the process.

    Getting an erection when aroused is just natural to your body process, it has nothing to do with whether or not you are transgendered. The fact that you did not know of these feelings until 11-12 is something to be discussed with the therapist. I knew when I was 3, everyone is different.

    This is a site for young people (under 35) to discuss the issue


    Here is a list of therapists to see who can help you get started in working out the condition


    Here is a list of educational sites that can help you learn about the condition

  • I asked a similar question:;_ylt=AhzD0...

    I do believe that it is very possible. To me, transsexuality always seemed like an intersex condition, and I read something by Dr. Milton Diamond (man who cracked the "Joan/John" case), where he said he thought so too. It makes sense. How can being born a hermaphrodite, or gender mosaic, or immune to testosterone so you develop into a girl, how can these be intersex conditions but transsexuality, not be? I think if people can say transsexuality is in the mind, they can say it is mental illness just because of its location, and not a real intersex condition were you display both male and female attributes. Where in reality, many transsexual people do have physical attributes of both sexes.

  • Some do - like those with Klinefelters Syndrome (e.g. Caroline Cosssey) or Turners Syndrome. Some just look, act like and need to be girls.

    Many don't have any any physical characteristics though and it just comes from within

  • Not necessarily, but some transpeople do also have intersexed conditions that lead to androgynous or 'other sex' characteristics in their appearance.

    I'm a transman through and through, but have a body that any cisgender female would kill her own family to call her own. I think it's bloody hilarious and downright ironic.

    But some, yes. Some transfolk do have a natural apearance that matches their gender better than their sex.

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