how do i get into a 15 movie?

iam 13 and look my age but i wanna get into a 15 movie:) what can i do to make myself look older? how should i talk??:) & other stuff:)


I am a GIRL(: xxxxx


  • Just try it, as many people who work in cinemas don't care if you're a couple years out. If it doesn't work, then either wait until you are 15, or tell someone who is 15 or over to buy the dvd for you, when it's out (with your money of course, unless it's a present).

    If you've heard that the place is strict, then don't attempt it. It would be illegal, so you could be fined.

    Also confidence is a key part. Just know what to say, and what to respond without hesitation.

  • most people at the cinema don't care if you're a little off the age limit for movies, but if you wanna play the part, maybe you could go see the movie with guys that do look 15 or are 15. if that doesn't work... just dress a little different, a bit more guyish in a casual way.

  • Im a guy im only just 14 im 6ft so i suppose it gives me an advantage already, if your a guy talk abit deeper unless your voice already broken and just dont hesitate they might ask you for your date of birth just add on 2 years it shouldnt be hard to get in unless your really small and have a high vioce if you are dont even bother :/

    Hope this helps:)

  • Don't even think about this - just do it. Once you start thinking about doing anything 'against the rules' you'll start doubting your ability to pull it off. Besides, cinemas are only interested in selling tickets - it's not as if you're buying alcohol or cigarettes.

  • Simple answer is you cant. You would be breaking the law by attempting this. You would have to be able to prove your age.

  • wait till you're 15. easy!

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