How do you use a diffuser?

I read a magazine that said to get the wavy texture I want, use a certain spray and then blow dry with a diffuser, so how do you use a diffuser????


I know you add the attachement to the end of the blow dryer, but then how do I get the style I want?


  • You use a diffuser the exact same way you would use a hair dryer. The diffuser is an attatchment to the hair dryer. It drys your hair slower so it doesn't move around and get messy as you dry it. Some people just use it to blow their hair, but others lay their hair in the bowl and sit there and let it dry. Your magazine is probably right. When you blow your hair around it gets messy, not causing a wavy texture really. So a diffuser is just an attatchment to the hair dryer and you use it just as you normally would! Hope that answers your question!

  • Well first you should put curl activator in your hair when it is wet. then attach the diffuser to the end of your blow dryer. take a handful of hair and stick it in the end of the diffsuer and hold it up against your head. Hold it in the position for like a minute. Do this until all your hair has been diffused.

  • okay this is what i do

    when my hair is wet

    i towel dry it and then i put a curling product in it

    then i seperate my hair and in 1 inch sections i twirl my hair around my finger.

    i do that to my whole head

    and then with the difuser i flip my hair upsidedown

    and blowdry up so i get the volume

    makesure you have the heat setting on medium and the power low so you dont get all thos unwanted frizzy-ness

    if you have bangs style them first

    and if its too curly for you take your striaghtener and run it through your hair quickly to flatten out the waves

    so i hope i helped

    and good like styling


  • you actually hold the dryer up towars the sky and kind of lay your hair inside the diffuser..

    she actually doesnt start using the diffuser till about three minutes in she is mostly talking about some stupid hair product.. but that is how you usually use it..

  • you attach the diffuser to your hair dryer and you move it along your scalp while you dry your hair like get your hair in it and then go in sorta circles. up and down to the scalp but you want to use something with it like frizz stuff bc it tends to make the hair frizzy if you dont.

  • It attaches to the end of your blow dryer. Hold it to sections of your hair and let it air dry your hair. It dries your hair without blowing it. It allows the heat to dry your hair and helps hold curl longer and better.

  • spray hairspary or whatever products you use and use the diffuser as if your scrunching you hair on low heat you get the best results


    you can really youtube any hair question and there will be a video of somone showing you what to do as opposed to reading and then trying it yourself

  • You just attach it to the end of your blowdryer.

  • you just use it

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