find horizontal and vertical asymptotes (calculus problem)?

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Please explain as you solve. Thanks very much.


  • evaluate the function f(x) = a million/x as x gets large f(x) strategies 0 it is the horizontal asymptote--the fee f(x) strategies as x is going to infinitely large values the slope of f(x) is f'(x) = -a million/x^2 . It gets infinitely large as x strategies 0 from above. x=0 is a vertical asymptote

  • evaluate the function f(x) = a million/x as x gets great f(x) techniques 0 it fairly is the horizontal asymptote--the cost f(x) techniques as x is going to infinitely great values the slope of f(x) is f'(x) = -a million/x^2 . It gets infinitely great as x techniques 0 from above. x=0 is a vertical asymptote

  • you can use wolfram alpha to plot the functions to see whats going on.

    write them into

    basically the horizontal asymptotes are the values that the function approaches for really large x in both the negative and positive direction.

    so the horizontal asymptotes are limx->infinte of y and also limx-> - infinite of y

    you will need to simplify the expresstion to evaluate the limits.

    for the vertical asymptote, you are trying to find a value of x such the as x goes to this value, y goes to infinite. the answer is x = -2. this is because as the denominator gets smaller the expression gets larger. therefore y->infinite as x->-2

    seriously type them into wolframalpha it will be worth it to see what they mean.

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