Am I Pregnant or Paranoid?

So it's been exactly one week since I last had PROTECTED sex. I've been expecting my period since the tenth but it never came. I've felt very mild cramps and slight breast tenderness for a couple of days now so I assumed I was going to get my period since those are my usual symptoms but nothing. Also my lower back hurt really bad whenever I bent over for about 3 days a day after I had sex which isn't normal at all. Should I be worried that I'm pregnant? Is it too early to take a home pregnancy test?


  • You might be able to take a first response pregnancy test because they are supposed to be able to detect the smallest amount of hgc or whatever. or even have a blood test from your doctor if you are really worried. Most likely though you wouldn't be able to to get pregnant if you had protected sex, especially that close to when your period was due. You can only get pregnant when you ovulate which is usually about 2 weeks before your period starts.

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