I'm 18 trying to get birth control. But in the meantime, my boyfriend of 5 months whos 21 and I have been sexually active. He's the first guy I've decided to give my body to, since he truly is very in love with me. EVERY SINGLE TIME we have had sex, the condom has broken. Why?! Why would it happen in general, and is he maybe doing it on purpose?!


  • It's possible, sure. But not necessarily true. You shouldn't assume. Just switch brands of condoms or get him the right fitting one.

  • Or he is doing something called "Stealthing" you. It is a new IDIODIC, STUPID, SELFISH trend that has been born recently where a guy will purposly take off the condom or break it without the other person's consent or knowledge. From what you said he doesn't seem like the kind of boyfriend to do this but I wanted to let you know just in case. Also– there are special condoms you can buy for this purpose that will break VERY easily.

  • Most likely causes:

    1) He doesn't know how to put a condom on properly - in particular he might not be removing the air from the tip before putting it on. Most condom manufacturers have videos on their website.

    2) He's wearing the wrong size.

    3) He's buying cheap condoms that don't meet the appropriate standards.

    4) He bought the condoms in 2005

    5) He's been carrying them round in his wallet or storing them in the bathroom - both places that will destroy condoms.

    6) He's doing it on purpose.

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