I seem to pass food very quickly?

I eat reasonable well. Sometimes as little as 4 hours after eating something it comes out the other end. And it is defiantly the same stuff trust me. Is that even possible? I have also had diorea for a couple of years now and cant remember the last time i had i solid poo. I know i need to go to the doctor but to be honest bit worried what he might say.


Whats IBS?


  • If the stuff is fully digested its not a problem if its not then it is more so as you will not absorb nutrients. If your bowles work perfectly and you eat three meals a day then you should have three poos and they should be easy to pass. If y ou are going more regularly or if the poss are sloppy then they need investigating. Your GP will only look at things like coeliac but you could very possibly have food sensitivities. Best method to choose is vega analysis but you need a good tester.

  • I have the perfect solution for you. BUY A BLENDER and make RAW FOOD SMOOTHIES. Use fruits and veggies in a variety of combinations and drink about 16-32 ounces a day. You'll have a huge solid BM after the first one!

  • You digestive system is working very hard. Maybe you have an infection which your body is trying to get rid of or your stomach can't seem to hold the food very long. You must be getting the vitimins from them so, don't worry.

  • I shop in mind that when i became into in my Nineteen Twenties somebody instructed me that the older you get the quicker time looks to bypass with the help of. Now that i'm in my Fifties an afternoon sounds like a minute and each week sounds like an afternoon. don't know why that happens, besides the shown fact that it maximum fairly does.

  • You may have IBS. Either way there's a problem with your digestive system. Go to the doctor!

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