How do I add a stripe to my car?

I recently got a Nissan Versa, the problem is, it's the same color as the road or close to it so people don't notice me easily and I've almost been run over twice in the 2 days that I've had it. I was wondering if there was a cheap and easy way I could add some kind of color stripe to it without completely ruining or messing up the paint job.


  • They sell vinyl stripings.


    Peel it off if you don't like.

    Only buy some neon plasti dip and apply into your wheels. Peel off if you don't like it.

  • Only an auto body shop can add a color stripe. But I advise lights. I start my car and turn the lights ON, to include fog lights. At times on some roads I use my high beams since apparently there are many blind drivers who also do not use turn signals for anything. Canada and other countries require the lights on 100% of the time. This is done via an electronic module. I happen to think it should be a federal requirement in the USA. Too many people drive early morning, late evening, dark parking lots, etc. without lights. Very dangerous. Runs the lights. For an estimate as to a paint job, see a body shop. Not other way.

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